Writing Competition

Excellence in Cities and Wandsworth Family Learning

Writing Competition Entry Form


Wandsworth, My Life, My World



To help us celebrate the Family Learning Festival we are running an exciting writing competition for all families in Wandsworth.  We would like children, young people and parents/carers to write a short descriptive or fictional piece, on the theme ‘Wandsworth, My Life, My World’.  Your piece could be set in 2008 or at any time in the past or future.  You will need to incorporate one or more Wandsworth landmarks or venues into your writing.  This could be the street you live in, your school or a building that interests you.  Be as creative as possible!


Your name:                                                              


Your age:                                                                   


Your telephone number:


Your school:      


Please tick which category you are in:



8-12 years-200 words max.




13-16 years-500 words max.




16 years + (mums/dads/carers)-500 words max.




Deadline for entries:  Monday 1st December 2008