WoW Mums nominated for Civic Award

Wandsworth Council organises Civic Awards ceremony annually to celebrate unsung Wandsworth heroes who have dedicated years of their lives to helping others.
WoW Mums have been nominated again this year for the Civic Award for volunteering their services over 8 years for the benefit of the wider community, without expecting anything in return. We will continue with our valuable work to fill the gaps in services for thechildren, single Mothers and for elderly.


US Embassy in Battersea

IMG_0159We met the USA Emusa embassybassy team last night represented by Mr. Larry Richter, US Embassy Minister Counsellor for Management Affairs at the Battersea Pavilion. Mr. Rod Evans, Project Director for the new embassy presented the plans and deadlines for this project. We can expect the new embassy to be opened in January 2017.

WoW Christmas Panto

IMG_0187IMG_0175Dick_Whittington_for_webpage_copy1WoW Mums are taking our children to Lyric Theatre to see Dick Whittington Christmas Panto on 2nd December. We are very grateful to Daytrippers for the fee tickets.

WoW Glee Performance

Drama 10 2.12.2014 WoW Glee performance by our Drama class children is on Tuesday, 2nd December from 4pm – 6pm in Caius House, 2 Holman Road, SW11 3RL

Drama 10 2-12-2014