WoW Inter-Generational BBQ

13411975_10153746361391275_1190659175289939237_oWoW Mums organise an annual inter-generational and inclusive BBQ for the residents of Haven Lodge and John Kirke house every year since 2011. This year it is on 11th June. This event has been the highlight of WoW Mums’ efforts to include the eldrly in all local events and bridge the gap in generations by bringing our children to the Lodge to share their mutual experiences in a lovely and safe environment.

Trampoline Party

Trampuline Party 5-6-201613321827_582769298557170_724625005954128231_n 13325555_582769338557166_5354994081022331835_n 13329489_10153733714711275_4535602819099635026_o 13327350_10153733714191275_3027690583512084207_n 13391563_10153733714311275_2709106401858047816_o 13406712_10153733714266275_247348964072221633_nLovely physical activity for children in the middle of Wandsworth. The whole family enjoyed this half-term WoW event.

WoW Mums at the ADHD Support Group

13029616_1717811685153403_7409421520581687234_oWoW Mums attended a new ADHD support group coffee morning today, organised by Annaliese Boucher in Kambala Club Room. We are very pleased that parents of children with ADHD will be able to support each other and exchange their experiences and feelings in a group that will sympathise with their issues, because they all have similar problems.

We are looking forward to the next workshop in two weeks time.

Art Exhibition

image image image image image12034348_1702872659980639_1141921417576298325_o Art Exhibition of WoW inter-generational art work will be on 7th May 2016  in Magic Garden, 231 Battersea Park Road from 12 – 5pm. This exhibition is a part of Wandsworth Art Fringe Festival.